dialogues and cultural activities

Artistic Confluences: a parallel programme of dialogues and cultural activities
The third edition of the Perelada Easter Festival goes beyond concerts, offering a series of parallel activities that enrich the cultural experience of the event. Held across various venues and institutions, these activities provide the public with the opportunity to explore the historical and creative contexts that inspire the music featured in the festival
25 March - 6:00 p.m. (Barcelona Music Museum)
Lecture: ‘The Responsories of Vivancos. Tradition and Modernity". The composer Bernat Vivancos and the musicologist Xavier Chavarria will offer a detailed insight into their commissioned work for the festival, Easter Responsories, exploring the relationship between tradition and modernity in their creative process.
26 March - 6:00 p.m. (Casa de Cultura de Girona)
Lecture: "Vis Amoris or the Power of Love: Membra Jesu Nostri Patientis Sanctissima" by Dieterich Buxtehude. Jorge Losana, director of the Cantoría choral group, will join Father Jordi Agustí Piqué i Collado OSB, a monk from Montserrat, to explore the deep, contemplative essence of this iconic Baroque piece.
2 April - 7:00 p.m. (Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona)
Talk: "Saint Peter and Mary Magdalene According to Hasse: Unjustly Neglected". Mezzo-soprano Anna Alàs, musical director Dani Espasa, and music critic Jaume Radigales will take an in-depth look at the composer Johann Adolph Hasse and his work Sanctus Petrus et Sancta Magdalena, which will be performed at the festival's opening.
17 April - 6:00 p.m. (Library of the Peralada Castle Museum)
Lecture: "Giampietrino, Disciple of Leonardo da Vinci, in the Collections of Peralada Castle". Art historian Ignacio G. Panicello will reveal the discovery of Giampietrino's Saint Catherine of Alexandria, featured on the festival's poster, and explore other notable works from the Peralada Castle collection.
For all events, prior registration is mandatory here.
*Limited capacity
*Free event