The polyphonic ensemble Cantoría promises a moving evening with a performance of Membra Jesu Nostri Patientis Sanctissima (BuxWV 75), the most famous and most frequently performed work by the Danish composer Dieterich Buxtehude. Composed in 1680, it is renowned for its profound spirituality and refined musical language. This work is presented as an exercise in reflection on the body of Christ in the act of sacrifice for humanity and has become a seminal piece of 17th-century religious music.

The seven cantatas that make up the piece are presented in ascending order, emulating the vision of the faithful: from the feet to the face, passing through the knees, hands, chest, and heart. Each cantata has its own musical and emotional characteristics, yet they all connect to offer an experience of deep devotion and contemplation.

With 10 singers and an instrumental ensemble comprising two violins, viol, violone, theorbo, and organ, the staging serves to support a complete interpretation of this work, imbued with spirituality, symbolism, and solemnity.
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Carmen Church

Seven cantatas focused on different parts of Christ's body during the act of sacrifice for humanity. 


Membra Jesu Nostri

Dietrich BUXTEHUDE (1637-1707)

I. Ad Pedes

1. Sonata
2. Concerto (SSATB)

Ecce super montes

3. Aria (SSATB)

Salve mundi salutare

4. Aria (S)

Clavos pedum, plagas duras

5. Aria (B)

Dulcis Jesu, pie Deus

6. Concerto (da capo)


II. Ad Genua

1. Sonata

2. Concerto (SSATB)

Ad ubera portabimini

3. Aria (T)

Salve Jesu, rex sanctorum

4. Aria (A)

Quid sum tibi responsurus

5. Aria (SSB)

Ut te quaeram mente pura

6. Concerto (da capo)


III. Ad Manus

1. Sonata

2. Concerto (SSATB)

Quid sunt plagae istae

3. Aria (S)

Salve Jesu, pastor bone

4. Aria (S)

Manus sanctae, vos amplector

5. Aria (ATB)

In cruore tuo lotum

6. Concerto (da capo)


IV. Ad Latus

1. Sonata

2. Concerto (SSATB)

Surge, amica mea

3. Aria (S)

Salve latus Salvatoris

4. Aria (ATB)

Ecce tibi appropinquo

5. Aria (S)

Hora mortis meus flatus

6. Concerto (da capo)


V. Ad Pectus

1. Sonata

2. Concerto a tres veus (ATB)

Sicut modo geniti infantes

3. Aria (A)

Salve, salus mea, Deus

4. Aria (T)

Pectus mihi confer mundum

5. Aria (B)

Ave, verum templum Dei

6. Concerto a tres veus (da capo)


VI. Ad cor

1. Sonata

2. Concerto a tres veus(SSB)

Vulnerasti cor meum

3. Aria (S)

Summi regis cor, aveto

4. Aria (S)

Per medullam cordis mei

5. Aria (B)

Viva cordis voce clamo

6. Concerto a tres veus (SSB)

Vulnerasti cor meum


VII. Ad faciem

1. Sonata

2. Concerto (SSATB))

Ilustra faciem tuam

3. Aria (ATB)

Salve, caput cruentatum

4. Aria (A)

Dum me mori est necesse

5. Aria (SSATB)

Cum me jubes emigrare

6. Concerto (SSATB)



Duration 60'

Artistic details

Inés ALONSO, soprano I 

Rita MORAIS, soprano I 

Victoria CASSANO, soprano II 

Marta REDAELLI, soprano II 

Oriol GUIMERÁ, alto 

Juan Manuel MORALES, alto 

Martí DOÑATE, tenor 

Josep ROVIRA, tenor 

Lluís ARRATIA, bass 

Lorenzo TOSSI, bass 


Ignacio RAMAL, violin  

Pablo ALBARRACÍN, violin  

Marc de la LINDE, viola da gamba  

Jeremy NASTASI, theorbo  

Alberto JARA, double bass 

Marina LÓPEZ, organ 

Jorge LOSANA, conductor